World's Oldest Known Bird: Photos

The skeletal remains of Aurornis xui date to the Middle to Late Jurassic period.

The skeletal remains of Aurornis xui date to the Middle to Late Jurassic period.

Skeleton and reconstruction of Aurornis xui, the world's oldest known bird.

A reconstruction of Aurornis xui, envisions the bird having grey-toned feathers,

A reconstruction of Aurornis xui, envisions the bird having grey-toned feathers, with distinctive markings on its wings and legs.

An alternate reconstruction of Aurornis xui envisions the bird as brown-feathere

An alternate reconstruction of Aurornis xui envisions the bird as brown-feathered and fierce.(May 29, 2013 01:00 PM ET // by Jennifer Viegas)

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